Launch Delayed! (2 weeks)

Hello ODS Squaddies! HQ here with some bad news. The launch has been delayed again, this time two weeks. I understand the frustrations of all those who wanted to play this week. It was bad enough delaying once, but sadly the extra two days were just not enough to polish the game up to a standard I feel like should be purchased.

I had planned to release the game tonight in Early Access (paid) even if I didn't get it launch ready, but after thinking on it I know this game deserves a official launch! So here's what I'm going to do.

This weekend is going to be a mini vacation, I am going to relax and recover from the crunch. Next week I am going to start the process back up of polishing and finishing the late content for the game. I would say the game is 75% finished as of right now but lacks a grade of polish I would expect from a game I bought.

I am going to update this page come Monday and give more info on the game and maybe even a gameplay trailer. This setback can be used for an advantage as well! The next two weeks will be utilized to polish, and market the game.

and with that, again my most sincere apologies! but get ready because come June 11th. Those signals will arrive in Earths Orbit! Prepare yourselves ODS!

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