Known Bugs (Hotfix 1.0.1)

This morning I decided to get up and pretty up the debug readout to better help myself in debugging for future issues, and to also figure out what bugs I could find with some extended play.

These are now known bugs from my play test this morning that I know will take longer to figure out. (aka addressed in a future update)

  • Wall hugging, So some the Non-track enemies love hugging the walls... I am still working out why exactly so give me more time and I promise they will eventually be working in their right order.

  • There is a crashing error when restarting the level from the pause menu. While I have taken corrective action, I am pretty sure it might occur still every so often. I just need more time "plugging all the holes" in the functions that aren't able to handle restarting as well as they should.

  • Lastly, (this one is the worst imo) So the game works on a track system, and events are triggered by specific timings. One function called "Wipeout" essentially counts up all the enemies that are going to be onscreen in the next short while and pauses overall timing entirely until the enemies counted are all defeated. There is another function that helps performance greatly by deleting and destroying objects that get out of screen view. These two are not friends and the "Dead Zone" as I call it likes to trip up Wipeout. It will register more enemies than there actually are, and thus the game is hung permanently in a "Wipeout all enemies" state. The SOLUTION for now is to sadly restart the level. This is worse on Easy mode since the game is relatively slower than usual, but on the higher difficulties progress lost isn't too bad. This being the most inconsistent one, I have many print statements on the lookout for issues in regards to these two functions. I will do my best at fixing this in a timely manner, but due to the rarity it will be quite difficult so bare with me!

Thanks all again for waiting for me to prep the game for an official launch! Time has literally flown whilst I was working on this game. So much work has gone into this project, and I hope everyone enjoys it! - Thanks for reading and bye for now!

oh! and Happy release day! We did it!

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